Jumpstart Adult Spanish Lesson for Mission Trips
Free Ministry Spanish Flash Card Lessons
Find the Full Lesson PDF here: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0638/6785/files/Spanish_Geniuses_Jumpstart_Adult_Spanish_for_ministry_lesson.pdf?v=1677607703
(Or just access the list from this point.)
Download and print out the Ministry Set by Clicking Here.
Week one:
Quiero + dar + NOUNS + a ti.
(three nouns)
Week two:
Review nouns.
Quiero + verbs
Week three:
¿Quieres? (do you want?) kee EH-rehs
Teach the question and ask three times each day by holding up an item or a flashcard. Your learning partner (willing or unwilling) will say Sí or No..
Week four:
Divide the rest of the cards into
Sentence starts, Verbs, and nouns.
Play around with making original thoughts and use spanishdict.com to check pronunciation.
Week fiveish: ¿Te gusta? - Do you like (teh GOO-stah)
más - more
¿Qué hay? - what is there?
la caja - the box (tu caja = your box)
las tijeras - the scissors
el libro - the book
el peluche - the stuffed animal
el juguete - the toy
el juego - the game
la regla - the ruler
la camisa - the shirt
el cepillo - the brush
los marcadores - the markers
las plumas - the pens
la cosa para…. the thing for…
la cosa azul - the blue thing
el papel - the paper
la tarjeta - the cards
una bolsa - a bag
¿Cómo se dice? - how do you say
¿Te gusta? - do you like?
¿Cuántos años tienes?
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