FREE Spanish Video Lessons and Clips
If you're wondering if Spanish Geniuses is a fit for you, here are some freebies for you to enjoy. Need the Ministry Flash Card Set?
That's a free download here:
Free Spanish Domino Train
This is a VERY raw unedited video to inspire you to have fun with your new Spanish words in a new way! Not for beginners, and not really for the littlest learners, but still chock full of hands-on activities for your family. FREE! Click here to get the ebook:
Chapter Reading Guide in Spanish
Click here to download your guide in Spanish AND in English! you used it? We'd love a review!)
Homeschool CRAFT! Thankful Tree in Spanish - El árbol de gracias
7 items
Print the PDF and follow along the two videos to make your own Gratefulness tree! The blog has more examples of how to make yours fit in your home:
The Breakfast Game! See it and Say It Level 1: Lesson 25
Practice breakfast words as well as
Puedo tener - may I have?
Quieres compartir - Do you want to share
Quieres dar - Do you want to give?
un plato - a plate
un huevo - an egg
el tocino - the bacon
el tostado - the toast
el pan - the bread
un pedazo de - a piece ofEmail to purchase from: Second...
FREE LESSON Bilingual Independence Day Bingo
Click here to download the full color one (blue background)
Click here to download the white background: -
Free Silly Spanish Lesson On Opposites
grande ~ pequeño
big ~ smallnegro ~ blanco
black ~ whitebonito ~ feo
pretty ~ uglylargo ~ corto
long ~ shortalto ~ bajo
tall ~ shortflaco ~ gordo
skinny ~ fatcómico ~ serio
funny ~ serious -
Flip Flop Spanish Calendar Level 2: Expanding with a Spanish Grammar Lesson
Grab LEVEL 2 for your One Word a Day of Spanish Learning, and LEVEL up!
Here's a video on how to expand your Fun, SHORT, easy Spanish lessons.Don't forget - each purchase comes with audio and ebook downloads. -
Flip Flop Spanish Flash Card Fishing
Just need some paperclips, a fridge magnet, and some yarn.... then ANYTHING can be your pole (ruler, stick, pen... we used a pencil here.)
Call out the word AS you catch it, or set a goal.
WE also used the Flip Flop Spanish Flashcard stand, because the magnet wouldn't lay down on the floor!
https... -
Spanish Geniuses Bonus Session: My Backyard Clip
Sometimes we have a hammock in our back yard.
What color is it? My hammock is red.
It's red!
Red too, interesting!
We have a fort in the forest in our back yard, and we also have swings in our yard.
We have four four swings and a lot of trees.
And a chimenea?
Four swings, because th... -
Free Flip Flop Spanish Funny Bilingual Valentine Cards
I designed these for you to enjoy! Check them out inside the files here:, color, and give them to your friends!
Funny, punny words like silla (see-yah!) and ola and hola, and saltar (to jump) are used to get a giggl...
Flip Flop Spanish Fun Activity Calendar Level 2 - Sounds Lesson
A quick review of the Spanish Vowel Sounds and What's the DEAL with G's and C's??? And H? He's MUTE????
Here's the purchasing link:
Spanish Geniuses Bonus Session: Jan 18: Fast Food Clip
Free Spanish Bible Lesson Psalm 91:1
2 items
Print the attached PDF, and memorize Psalm 91:1 in Spanish and English, while adding a natural way to absorb vocabulary, grammar, and decoding methods.
See it and Say it Short Lesson: Adverbs bien y mal
You need:
Necesito - Verde 18
Jugar - Azul 38
Leer - Azul 39
three blanks:Necesitas - Do you need (neh-seh-SEE-tahs)
bien - well (bee-EHN)
mal - badly, poorly (mahl) -
How can I use the See it and Say it Method for other languages?
Are you frustrated that you can't find any curriculum for your family's target second language? Adapt See it and Say it for your needs!
Here's the ebook version of the Verde Set for you to print and change even more easily: -
How do we keep up with the Spanish Vocabulary?
Need a skinny book? Grab one here:
Need those awesome flashcards wi...
Free Ministry Spanish Flash Card Lessons
4 items
Find these FREE Spanish Flashcards here:
Spanish Mini-Lesson Decoding with Scripture: Romans 15:4
Just practicing reading, getting valuable input, and noticing grammar similarities will benefit you in this quick, free lesson. Enjoy!
Subscribers can download the attached PDF for extra practice -
Tell me about the Spanish Geniuses Live Sessions
Free Tip: How to Practice Spanish Numbers in REAL LIFE.
Free Reading Lesson of Tiago- Bilingual Reader (Flip Flop Spanish)
Purchase the physical copy here:'s the ebook: -
Free Spanish Lesson One minute Clip - Island words
We usually just converse in complete sentences, but today was all about fun and games! Listen to the BINGOs in the clip - and LEARN these five words!
Free Bonus Session Clip - May 29 Birthdays
Cuando es el cumpleaños de alguien, - when it’s somebody’s birthday
es un día - it’s a daycon - with
sin - withoutlas velas - candles
los regalos - gifts
el pastel - cake
el helado - ice cream
una película - a movie
los globos - balloons
la serpentina - the streamers
la comida - the food/mea... -
Free Spanish Geniuses Summer Plans Bonus Session Clip