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Watch this video and more on Spanish Geniuses Video Courses

Spanish Geniuses Bonus Session July 21: Traveling (conditional)

Live Spanish Practice Zoom Meetings 2021-2022 • 32m

Up Next in Live Spanish Practice Zoom Meetings 2021-2022

  • Spanish Geniuses Bonus Session: July ...

    Get ready to set your hook into these Spanish words for fishing with this short video lesson. Señora Gose will be your tour guide for this fun fishing adventure in this Spanish vocabulary list and speaking practice.

    Puedo - I can (I am able)
    Puedes - You can (you are able)

    Usar - to use

  • Spanish Geniuses Live Bonus Speaking ...

    Welcome to the wonderful wedding words in this homeschool Spanish lesson video! Sra. Gose describes this Spanish topic in our latest Spanish speaking practice lesson. So get your best dress or suit on and learn these new Spanish vocabulary words:

    mi = my
    la boda - the wedding
    la novia - the br...

  • Spanish Geniuses Bonus Session: BUG &...

    la abeja - the bee
    la hormiga - the ant
    la mosca - the fly
    la avispa - the wasp
    el grillo - the cricket
    la mariquita - the ladybug
    el saltamontes - the grasshopper

    Él compró - he bought
    Él dio - he gave

    Pero no lo quiero.
But I don’t want it.