How Do We "Catch up?" Tips from Señora Gose for High School Parents
Take a gander at the handy page in your guide book, and see where your student is over Spring Break!
Barron's Spanish Now Level 1 Review (9th Edition)
See it and Say it Flip Flop Spanish Break week after L32
Priorities in Homeschool - How to get it right?
2 items
Take a few minutes to analyze your priorities and give yourself a boost into a better lifestyle, enjoying the habits and processes that you WANT your life to look like. The hardest part is being honest with yourself.
The Breakfast Game! See it and Say It Level 1: Lesson 25
Practice breakfast words as well as
Puedo tener - may I have?
Quieres compartir - Do you want to share
Quieres dar - Do you want to give?
un plato - a plate
un huevo - an egg
el tocino - the bacon
el tostado - the toast
el pan - the bread
un pedazo de - a piece ofEmail to purchase from: Second...
Least Favorite things Clip
Visual Processing Disorder and Spanish Learning
Morado - Lesson 22 Dibujar un insecto loco
This goes with See it and Say it Level 2 Lesson 22
See it and Say it Flip Flop Spanish Videos
8 items
Resource Videos for Vocabulary, Alphabet, and other fun extra practice!
Flip Flop Spanish Flash Card Fishing
Just need some paperclips, a fridge magnet, and some yarn.... then ANYTHING can be your pole (ruler, stick, pen... we used a pencil here.)
Call out the word AS you catch it, or set a goal.
WE also used the Flip Flop Spanish Flashcard stand, because the magnet wouldn't lay down on the floor!
https... -
Spanish Geniuses Bonus Session: My Backyard Clip
Sometimes we have a hammock in our back yard.
What color is it? My hammock is red.
It's red!
Red too, interesting!
We have a fort in the forest in our back yard, and we also have swings in our yard.
We have four four swings and a lot of trees.
And a chimenea?
Four swings, because th... -
Free Flip Flop Spanish Funny Bilingual Valentine Cards
I designed these for you to enjoy! Check them out inside the files here:
https://www.flipflopspanish.com/products/spanish-bingo-valentines-editionPrint, color, and give them to your friends!
Funny, punny words like silla (see-yah!) and ola and hola, and saltar (to jump) are used to get a giggl...
Flip Flop Spanish Fun Activity Calendar Level 2 - Sounds Lesson
A quick review of the Spanish Vowel Sounds and What's the DEAL with G's and C's??? And H? He's MUTE????
Here's the purchasing link: https://www.flipflopspanish.com/products/coming-soon-spanish-fun-activity-calendar-level-2
Free Spanish Bible Lesson Psalm 91:1
2 items
Print the attached PDF, and memorize Psalm 91:1 in Spanish and English, while adding a natural way to absorb vocabulary, grammar, and decoding methods.
Calendar Level 2: Jan Only Lesson
Lessons from the Coop Volume 2
Spanish Study Tip for See it & Say it Vocabulary: Five Words in Five Minutes
Grab Five flashcards!
1) Just say them.
2) Say them again.
3) Make an opinion (I like, I don't like)
4) Add a verb for each word
5) Add an adjective to the end.
FIVE MINUTES - do you know all five words now? Comment below! -
Charlotte Mason and Me
Charlotte Mason Homeschooling is growing in popularity, and so many people think they simply "can't" teach foreign language the way she suggested. But guess what, you can! Here's my story of how I became acquainted with Charlotte Mason and her methods in teaching foreign language. Don't forget t...
Community Homeschool Spanish Classes or Online... which class?
Homeschooling Figure it Out Guide Quick Walk Through
Grab your full download and links to grab a consultation here:
https://www.flipflopspanish.com/products/homing-school-a-figure-it-out-guide?_pos=1&_sid=d0131fde5&_ss=r -
The Basics of See it and Say it Flip Flop Spanish
How to ease back in to the homeschooling schedule.
3 ways to make sure your Spanish Lessons aren't Useless
Read this blog here: https://www.flipflopspanish.com/blogs/news/3-ways-to-make-sure-your-spanish-lessons-arent-useless
What about a high schooler with no time for SiSi... What do I do?
You've heard of the success of the See it and Say it method, and you don't want to skip it... what do you do? Take a quick listen and be encouraged!