Spanish Geniuses Juniors: Pasaportes Week 1

Spanish Geniuses Juniors: Pasaportes Week 1

Designed for ages 3rd grade (or confident readers) through 8th grade, this series of Spanish Geniuses Juniors includes a Homework Packet, and at least three videos.
Watch each video in the prescribed order, and then check for understanding for your own self-paced Geography and Spanish Unit Study. This is part of a stand alone Spanish Geniuses Juniors Subscription or is included in the Main Subscription for Spanish Geniuses High School Levels, 1, 2 and Juniors.

Purchase the passport and other items for this series here:

Materials Required:
~ Print as you go - homework packets,
~ Passport booklet (included in the Pasaportes Bundle on, or Make your own)

Optional Materials (included in the Pasaportes Bundle on
~ Stickers for passport pages
~ Super Cape

The Lessons include, and will be uploaded as they are ready (February 2023 through May 2023):
Week 1: Introduction - Setting up your passport
Week 2: Chile 1
Week 3: Chile 2
Week 4: Costa Rica 1
Week 5: Costa Rica 2
Week 6: Colombia
Week 7: Colombia Bonus (Games)
Week 8: Holidays
Week 9: Bingo Review
Week 10: Guatemala 1
Week 11: Guatemala 2
Week 12: Heritage Instruments & Spanish Songs
Week 13: Panama 1
Week 14: Panama 2
Week 15: Mexico 1
Week 16: Mexico 2
Week 17: Bingo Review Part 2
Week 18: Global Overview Memory Challenge
Week 19: Choose your Own Country
Week 20: Repaso
Week 21: Optional Test/Contest

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Spanish Geniuses Juniors: Pasaportes Week 1