Whole Family Spanish: Story Time ¡LEER!

Whole Family Spanish: Story Time ¡LEER!

Some Spanish story book lessons in this category have full packets, vocab labs, and exercises with them. Other lessons include the book reading alone. Choose the method and lessons that fit best for you and your family.
You can always simply push play and enjoy listening to the book while reading on the screen. I'd like to suggest another method!
For the best language absorption results, I recommend checking the book out at the library, or using the included shopping link to purchase online. Push play on the video, but do not have the screen facing you or your child. Gather your children into your lap, and turn the pages as the video reads it for you.

Screen viewing causes the language development portion of the brain to go "quiet" or "dark" - using an ACTUAL book is the best method for getting plenty of meaningful input in your life in your journey to learn to use Spanish to communicate.

We are always adding new books - make a request in forums, and maybe we'll add it for you!
Intro Lesson: Flip and Felipa by Suzanne Gose
Lesson 1: You have a bird on your head by Mo Willems
Lesson 2: My Friend is Sad by Mo Willems
Lesson 3: The Carrot Seed
Lesson 4: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
Lesson 5: I wil take a Nap by Mo Willems
Lesson 6: If you give a mouse a cookie
Lesson 7: What do you like?
Lesson 8: Listen to my Trumpet by Mo Willems
Lesson 9: Waiting is not Easy! by Mo Willems
Lesson 10: Bella Bilingual Reader by Amanda Boyd
Lesson 11: Tío Rocky
Lesson 12: Happy Hippo, Angry Duck
Lesson 13: Flip Flop the Walrus
Lesson 14: From Head to Toe
Lesson 15: Can I play too? by Mo Willems
Lesson 16: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Lesson 17: Are you my mother? by PD Eastman
Lesson 18: We are in a book! by Mo Willems
Lesson 19: Llama llama red pijamas
Lesson 20: There'a s Wocket in my Pocket by Dr. Seuss
Lesson 21: The Little Red Hen
Lesson 22: Margaret and Margarita
Lesson 23: Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss
Lesson 24: The Red Book
Lesson 25: I'm not waking up today! by Dr. Seuss
Lesson 26: Today I will Fly! by Mo Willems
Lesson 27: I am a frog! by Mo Willems
Lesson 28: Are you ready to play outside? by Mo Willems
Coming Soon: Lesson 29: One Fish, Two Fish by Dr. Seuss

Whole Family Spanish: Story Time ¡LEER!