Exclusive Live Spanish Group Practice and Tutoring Links By Month

Exclusive Live Spanish Group Practice and Tutoring Links By Month

CENTRAL TIME ZONE - duration 30 minutes
TYPICAL Base MONTH Bonus Sessions Schedule:

CENTRAL TIME ZONE - duration 30 minutes
Week 1: Monday @‌2pm + Friday @‌11am
Week 2: Tuesday @ 2pm
Week 3: Monday @ 2pm + Thursday @‌2pm
Week 4: Tuesday @‌2pm + Friday Game Day @‌11am
World Monuments (7 wonders of the world)
Horses and Monkeys
Stressful Locations (emergencies?)
Tigers eating at Restaurants
Going to the Zoo
Food textures
Bossing People around at Chick Fil A
Game Day (Crazy CartoonDrawing)

Week 1: Jan 6 Monday @‌2pm + Jan 10 Friday @‌11am
Week 2: Jan 14 Tuesday @ 2pm
Week 3: Jan 20 Monday @ 2pm + Jan 23 Thursday @‌2pm
Week 4: Jan 28 Tuesday @‌2pm + Friday Jan 31 Game Day @‌11am
Jan 31 @2pm Bonus Command Forms

Exclusive Live Spanish Group Practice and Tutoring Links By Month