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Bonus Speaking Session: Big Game and the preterite tense
Live Spanish Geniuses Bonus Sessions February 2023
Big game hunting: la caza mayor
el alce - the moose
el uapití - the elk
el reno - reindeer
el oso - the bear
el búfalo - the boffalo (el bisonte)
el león - the lion
el tigre - the tiger
el rinoceronte - the rhinoceros
ayer - yesterday
Dije - I said
Dijiste - You said
Dijo - He said
comiste - you ate
corriste - you ran
nadaste - you swam
viste - you saw
dormiste - did you sleep
subiste - did you climb
las montañas - the mountain
la colina - the hill
las plantas - plants
la carne - the meat
el bosque - the forest
el arroyo - the creek
el pez - the fish
la pradera - the prairie
el safari - the safari
soy - I am
eres - you are